I think devs in the future just need to reelase their alphas and betas into the wild earleir on, releasing to the general public and then patching is a slow and tedious process, that even puts some off buying and irks those (like myself) that want to play it from the moment they bought it.Īs stated above, 100% usage is actually a good thing and I hope more graphically demanding games actually used my GPU to its fullest.
Also we've been seeing general fps issues with folks sporting all sorts of different hw, it's definitely a dev optimization issue, not even higher end hardware is making massive differences for some. No other game, not even BF1 drive the temp on my GPU that high. I know my CPU just barely passes the reco specs, but the GPU passes for sure, RAM is an actual bottleneck, though for some reason the 980 is definitely in their reco spec and yet mine is getting a deal more usage and the tempretures shoot all the way up to 75, nearly 80c.
Początkowo opublikowane przez Sun Streaker:i5 4670k